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Internationale HandwerksmesseYour fair for construction, renovation, refurbishment.2025wed12mar(mar 12)9:00 amsun16(mar 16)6:00 pmFeaturedRepeating Event9:00 am - 6:00 pm (16)(GMT+01:00) View in my time Event Organized ByGHM Gesellschaft für Handwerksmessen mbHMesse Munich Center, Am Messesee 2, 81829 Munich, Germany.Industry sectors:Construction Technology, Materials and Equipment, Interior Fittings,Gardening and landscaping (plants, equipment, technology),Woodworking, Furniture Production, Interior DesignFairs of these Sectors:Building Construction Trade Shows,Handicrafts Fairs,Handicrafts Trade Shows,Stones & Minerals Trade Shows,Structural Engineering Trade Shows,Trade Fairs for Building Materials,Trade Fairs for building services engineering,Trade Shows for Flooring,Trade Shows for Heating & Ventilation,Trade Shows for Heating Technology,Trade Shows for Plumbing,Trade Shows for Refrigeration & Air ConditioningThis event starts in..
INTERNORGAInternational Trade Show for the Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Baking and Confectionery Industry2025fri14mar(mar 14)9:00 amtue18(mar 18)6:00 pmFeaturedRepeating Event9:00 am - 6:00 pm (18)(GMT+01:00) View in my time Event Organized ByHamburg Messe und Congress GmbHMesse Hamburg Center, Messeplatz 1, 20357 Hamburg, Germany.Industry sectors:Food, Beverage and Luxury Foodstuff,Hotel and Catering, Shop Fittings,Woodworking, Furniture Production, Interior DesignFairs of these Sectors:Catering & Hospitality Trade Fairs,Food & Beverage Trade Shows,Food Fairs,Food Trade Shows,Hotel Industry Trade Shows,Trade Fairs for GastronomyThis event starts in..
interzumInternational trade fair for Furniture Production Interiors2025tue20may(may 20)9:00 amfri23(may 23)6:00 pmFeaturedRepeating Event9:00 am - 6:00 pm (23)(GMT+02:00) View in my time Event Organized ByKoelnmesse GmbHMesse Cologne Center, Messeplatz 1, 50679 Cologne, Germany.Industry sectors:Leather Processing and Shoe Machinery,Textiles (Clothing and Home Textiles, Technical Textiles),Woodworking, Furniture Production, Interior DesignFairs of these Sectors:Furniture Trade Shows,Industrial Engineering Trade Shows,Leather Goods Trade Shows,Timber Industry & Forest Trade Shows,Trade Fairs for Factory Equipment,Trade Fairs for windows,Trade Shows for Flooring,Trade Shows for Interior Construction,Trade Shows of ToolsThis event starts in..
LIGNAThe World's Leading Trade Fair for Woodworking and Wood Processing Plant, Machinery and Tools2025mon26may(may 26)9:00 amfri30(may 30)6:00 pmFeaturedRepeating Event9:00 am - 6:00 pm (30)(GMT+02:00) View in my time Event Organized ByDeutsche Messe AGMesse Hanover Center, Messegelände, 30521 Hanover, Germany.Industry sectors:Industrial Equipment, Maintenance,Industrial Machinery,Woodworking, Furniture Production, Interior DesignFairs of these Sectors:Forestry & Wood Products Exhibitions,Forestry Fairs,Timber Industry & Forest Trade Shows,Trade Fairs for Agricultural MachineryThis event starts in..
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